Reference no: EM13240811
The data in the following tables are some of the results of an Internal Revenue Service survey of taxpayers. Analyze and interpret the data.
-The last year you filed an income tax return, did you get any suggestions or information that was especially helpful to you in filing?
Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency (%) Adjusted Frequency (%)
Yes 156 29.5 29.8
No 368 69.7 70.2
Don't Know 1 .2 Missing
Not Ascertained 1 .2 Missing
Blank 2 .4 Missing
528 100 100
-What kind of information was it?
Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency (%) Adjusted Frequency (%)
Learned about energy credit 8 1.5 5.4
Learned about another deduction 46 8.7 31.3
Obtained info about forms to use 9 1.7 6.1
Received pamphlets/forms 40 7.6 27.2
Other 44 8.3 29.9
Don't know 6 1.1 Missing
Not ascertained 2 .4 Missing
Blank 373 70.6 Missing
528 100 100