About your math-accounting and excel skills

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133146822


The end of the semester is a good time to think about your math, accounting, and Excel skills.

Excel is widely considered a basic skill requirement for accounting and finance jobs.


Take a moment to think about, and then comment on each of the following questions:

What has been your experience in this class using Excel to solve math problems?

At this point, how comfortable are you using Excel for business purposes? When do you still use your calculator?

What do you think would help you improve your Excel skills, if you need to?

Reference no: EM133146822

Questions Cloud

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Organizational reports to stakeholders : The goal of preparing an annual report is to communicate information from a company to its targeted users.
Communicate financial information to concerned parties : Accounting information systems are designed to collect and process transaction data and communicate the financial information to concerned parties
About your math-accounting and excel skills : The end of the semester is a good time to think about your math, accounting, and Excel skills.
Personal-social and cultural identities : List some of your personal, social, and cultural identities. Are there any that relate? If so, how?
The perils of new beginnings as an auditor : What is Rachel's ethical dilemma? Discuss what Rachel's potential responses (participate, decline, report) are for her ethical dilemma
What is flow through entity and how is it taxed : What is a flow through entity and how is it taxed? What specific economic rights or entitlements are included with a partnership interest?
Taxation-business selling streetwear clothing : Street Cred Limited (SCL) operates a business selling streetwear clothing. What is SCL's taxable income for the income year ended 31 March 2022?


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