About world war 2 and the us atomic bombing of japan

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133431871


For your discussion, this week, start by reading the article about World War 2 and the US's atomic bombing of Japan. Read the whole piece but be sure to focus on why the US entered the war and the atomic bombs. For this discussion, you are allowed to find and cite other sources. But you are not required to. The only source you have to read and cite is the article provided.

Post your assessment of the justice of the US's entering World War 2 and the atomic bombing of Japan, according to just war theory. Let's break this down into parts. First, assess the US's decision to enter World War 2 by applying all 6 criteria of jus ad bellum. For each criterion, explain what the criterion says and how that applies to the US's decision. Remember to use detail and examples. Don't be brief. After doing that for all 6 criteria, you will conclude whether the US's decision to enter the war was completely just, and if not, what part(s) was(were) unjust.

Second, assess the US's military decision to drop 2 atomic bombs on Japan by applying all 3 principles of jus in bello. For each principle, you will explain what the principle says and how that applies to this US military decision. Again, remember to use detail and examples. Don't be brief. After doing that for all 3 principles, you will conclude whether this US military decision was completely just, and if not, what part(s) was(were) unjust.

Reference no: EM133431871

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