About utilitarianism and spent time thinking

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Reference no: EM133364717

In this Module, you have learned about utilitarianism and spent time thinking about an article written on your applied ethics topic from a utilitarian perspective. In your initial post, you must do the following:

1. Clearly explain the author's position on your topic ( global poverty). This should be formatted like a thesis statement (e.g., Singer believes that it is wrong to ....).

2. Clearly explain the author's reasons in support of this position.

3. Then, state whether you agree with the author's conclusion and explain why or why not.

-Global Poverty: "Famine, Affluence, and Morality" by Peter Singer

Reference no: EM133364717

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the effects of professional decisions : Evaluate the effects of professional decisions and actions on students, families and other professionals in the learning community.
Mesoamerican books contained many complex images : Mesoamerican books contained many complex images, but were constructed to be easy to understand.
Do you think they would still act morally : If you had the ring of Gyges, would you still act morally? If other people had the ring of Gyges, do you think they would still act morally?
Educating the aging population in community : Create strategies to use when educating the aging population in a community regarding preparations for death and dying.
About utilitarianism and spent time thinking : you have learned about utilitarianism and spent time thinking about an article written on your applied ethics topic from a utilitarian perspective.
What is two-level version of utilitarianism : According to Singer, what is the two-level version of utilitarianism? Discuss Unger's "Bob" example.
Speech on impromptu speaking-extemporaneous speaking : Make a three minute speech on impromptu speaking, extemporaneous speaking, speaking from a manuscript, and speaking from memory.
Simpson believes that between canada and first nations : Simpson believes that between Canada and First Nations, there should be recognition and respect for the self-determination of the nations.
Gods existence and judgement in explaining morality : Plato's Euthyphro questioned the legitimacy of our appeals to God's existence and judgement in explaining morality, or goodness and badness more broadly.


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