About uml diagrams

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13819310

UML Diagrams

I have the UML diagrams created in Vizio and pasted as a picture in a word document. The paragraphs below state the updates to be made to current document.If anyone can provide the following updates and a summary of the benefits of UML design please let me know. It will not allow me to upload the Visio diagrams however I can email them and would like to recieve the updated diagrams in visio format if possilbe

In the previous weeks, you were asked to create the use case model, class diagrams, sequence and collaboration diagrams, and activity and state diagrams for an ordering system. After further review, it has become clear that modifications to the ordering system need to be considered. The new requirement is to provide the ability for an outside party to read existing orders. You are tasked with designing and documenting the add-on functionality that is needed to allow the outside party to read the orders.

All of the original models should be updated to reflect this new requirement: use case, class, state, transition, activity, sequence, and collaboration diagrams. The updated models should reflect the new requirements.

Object-oriented recap: This week, you will recap the use of each model in the design and answer the following question:

Now that you have created and revised the design, how did you feel that the object-oriented methodology with UML enhanced the process of developing they system design? Please provide a 1-page document.

Change control document: Throughout the development of the models, you have made changes to your models based on feedback from your instructor and possible discoveries as you progressed through the design. Create a change control document that documents these changes. This does not need to include the changes made for the new requirement this week. It should include other changes made throughout the project. Please include the following for each change you made:

What was the original information?

What change was made?

Where is the change located in the document?

Why was the change needed?

Project Deliverables:

Update the Object-Oriented Design Document title page with the new date.

Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.

Update all of the design models to reflect the new requirements

Use Case


Sequence and Collaboration

State Transition and Activity

Change Control Document for changes made to model prior to Week 5

What was the original information?

What change was made?

Where is the change located in the document?

Why was the change needed?

Object-Oriented Design Recap

Recap of each model used in the design

Discussion: Now that you have created and revised the design, how did you feel that the object-oriented methodology with UML enhanced the process of developing the system design?

This week's project is the final Key Assignment and should contain all of the models with updates based on feedback received from your instructor and classmates.

Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.

Name the document "yourname_CS377_IP5_doc."

Reference no: EM13819310

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About uml diagrams : UML Diagrams
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