About tony hseigh leadership-the happiness culture

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133104983

Since the purpose of these assignments is to discuss the concepts and ideas brought forth by your fellow students, all your posts (original and responses) should not be made all at once. That would be much like standing on a soapbox in a corner and shouting opinions without additional input. Keeping the standard deadline for the original posts allows you the traditional 2 days prior to the unit to begin responding, but you will also have the entire following week to continue the discussion.

The Happiness Culture: Zappos Isn't a Company - It's a Mission.

Zappos' culture coach: how 'squishy' stuff like culture took us to a billion dollars in revenue | VentureBeat

About Us | Zappos.com

Zappos knows how to kick it - Jan. 22, 2009

Case: Zappo's Organizational Culture. After reviewing the links and videos posted in the online learning environment, answer the following questions:

1. What are your thoughts about Tony Hseigh's leadership and his view of organizational culture?

2. In what ways does organizational culture influence the organization? How can it help facilitate an organization's success?

3. How would you describe the organizational culture within your organization (or one with which you are familiar)? Share a story, rite, ritual, or symbol that your organization uses that exemplifies its culture.

4. Is there a "correct" or "best" version of organizational culture? Identify three different types of organizations. What type of culture do you feel is ideal for each organization?

5. How does one change the culture of an organization.

Reference no: EM133104983

Questions Cloud

Distinguish between big data and internet of things : Distinguish between big data and the IoT and explain how banks use big data in their CRM activities.
Implement strategic plan to address privacy concerns : How can your organization, a major player in healthcare and fitness technology, implement a strategic plan to address privacy concerns?
Low context findings have on company communication : Critically assess the impact Hofstede's dimensions of culture and Hall's high and low context findings have on company communication,
Telecommunications-distributed connectivity systems : Discuss telecommunications and distributed connectivity systems as used by local and global teams.
About tony hseigh leadership-the happiness culture : What are your thoughts about Tony Hseigh's leadership and his view of organizational culture? In what ways does organizational culture influence organization.
Differences of business ethics in global context : What do you see as the challenges of reconciling the differences of business ethics in a global context.
Successfully develop marketing plan : During this course we will review the key concepts to successfully develop a marketing plan. What are the short term and long term goals?
Megatech competitive advantage : What is it about project management that offers MegaTech a competitive advantage in its industry?
What might be some of environmental pressures : What might be some of the environmental pressures that would contribute to your belief that it is necessary to alter the structure?


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