About the lighting and angle shots

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133610595

Violence of War Film Unit 9

In Saving Private Ryan,one of the most intense battle scenes ever is staged. The textbook suggests the Office of War Information presented inaccurate movies to ensure that Hollywood's accounts of WWII reflected "America's best interests."

This movie, made 50 years after WWII, is considered a realistic picture of the true nature of war.

How appropriate is the level of violence?

What do you notice about the lighting and angle shots?

What is the film's attitude toward the war in question?

You must include at least one direct quote and one piece of credible outside research (paraphrased and cited) for this post, and you must back up every single assertion with either a specific example or research.

Although this posting requires you to form an opinion, it must be any opinion based on evidence. You need to provide an internally sound, self-sufficient argument that any reasonable person would agree with based on the evidence you provide.

Reference no: EM133610595

Questions Cloud

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Has gender identity always been binary across all cultures : Has gender identity always been binary across all cultures? Explain. How are anthropologists influenced by our culturally-specific logic?
About the lighting and angle shots : In Saving Private Ryan,one of the most intense battle scenes ever is staged. What do you notice about the lighting and angle shots?
The gothic style and medieval scholasticism : How did the style of sculpture change between the Romanesque and Gothic periods? Explain the principles of the mendicant orders, such as the Franciscans,
Historical documentation to lie within survey region : You are interested in locating the stone foundation of a Colonial plantation house that is known from historical documentation to lie within the survey region.
Western world has gone through tremendous transformation : The Western world has gone through tremendous transformation since the end of the Ancient Greek civilization.
Roman empire could be said to resemble our own civilization : The Roman Empire could be said to resemble our own civilization in different ways. What features does the United States share with the republic today?


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