Reference no: EM133255777
To answer these questions, think about the the Generalized Motor Program Theory and Dynamical Systems Theory, Gentile's stage model, Fitts and Posner model, and open- and closed-loop skills. Counseling micro-skills that contribute to an effective working relationship between consultants and performers and evaluating consultant strategies. Each question must be addressed.
The dynamical systems theory resembles GMP in that movement or abilities can be mastered. How is the nervous system processes behavioral performance and the relationship to repeated or learned behavior significant in delivering an expected result?
Temporal pattern is preferred over the relative time invariance in the dynamical systems method (Vyas et al., 2020). Although different concerning specific characteristics, the temporal pattern is comparable to relative time invariance (Magill & Anderson, 2021). Please explain.
As a mental health therapist or a psychologist what is a motor skill you would consider teaching a colleague. A) Describe the skill and its parts, B) Describe how each part relates to another part that precedes and follows it, C) Your colleague does not know this skill, how would you teach this skill in parts or as a whole?
"The overlearning strategy can be effective for skills that people will practice for a specified amount of time but then not perform for some period of time afterward (e.g., the disassembling and assembling of the machine gun in the Schendel and Hagman study" (Magill & Anderson, 2017). Why?
Consultants face many challenges when working with performers. A breakdown in communication or a breach of trust can destroy the working relationship. What skills do consultants need to possess to achieve maximum efficiency? Why?
How does the practitioner influence behavior? What are the best mechanisms through feedback that give an opportunity to change behavior?