About The Cures that Harm

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Reference no: EM133333158


1. Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) argue that low self-control is caused by which of the following?

a. Poor child rearing

b. Lack of access to early childhood education

c. Biological predisposition

d. Influence of deviant peers

e. All of the above

2. In Joan McCord's study, "The Cures that Harm," which of the following boys had the WORST outcomes?

a. Boys who went to summer camp

b. Boys in the control group

c. Boys who got jobs

d. Boys whose families were uncooperative

3. According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, relative levels of self-control are fixed by around 8 years of age.



4. Which term did Becker use to refer to the individuals in society who define which behaviors are considered criminal and deviant?

a. Moral entrepreneurs

b. Feminists

c. Proletariat

d. Outsiders

5. Which theory argues that children who violate the law should not be punished by the criminal justice system?

a. Retrospective interpretation

b. Radical nonintervention

c. Secondary elaboration

d. Primary deviation

6. Mary steals a candy bar from a corner grocery store. She tells herself that what she did was not wrong because she is only borrowing the candy bar and plans to pay the grocer back once she has enough money. Which technique of neutralization is Mary using?

a. Denial of Injury

b. Condemnation of the Condemner

c. Appeal to Higher Loyalties

d. Denial of the Victims

7. During the preclassical era, criminal behavior was thought to be the result of a rational decision-making process.



8. Wolfgang found that what percent of boys in his sample committed 51.9% of all offenses?

a. 2%

b. 6%

c. 18%

d. 33%

e. 50%

9. According to Edwin Lemert, which type of deviation occurs before an individual has been labeled as deviant?

a. Radical nonintervention

b. Primary deviation

c. Secondary deviation

d. Outsiders

10. The study of the process of making laws, breaking laws, and reacting toward the breaking of laws is known as:

a. criminal justice

b. sociology

c. criminology

d. the relativity of crime

11. Which of the following did the National Institute of Health (NIH) identify as a common characteristic of programs that work to prevent crime?

a. Derive from sound theoretical rationales

b. Address risk factors

c. Use a cognitive behavioral strategy

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

Reference no: EM133333158

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