About the conceptualizing community

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132434949

Topic: Conceptualizing Community

The Healthy People 2020 initiative was designed to create healthier communities. Determining the health status of a community is essential to establishing a baseline for comparison. During this module/week we were exposed to the windshield tour as a quick mechanism to assess the environmental factors of a community's health by simply driving in and around a neighborhood. Walking can provide similar information and might provide the added benefit of interaction with residents. Google Street View 1 has been suggested as another alternative to evaluate community environments. Geographic information system (GIS) data can also be beneficial in community planning.

In your thread give 2 indicators you would consider in evaluating the healthfulness of a neighborhood environment. Consider factors related to safety, exercise, diet, health care access, etc. Provide information from the research literature to validate your choice of indicators with at least 3 sources using AMA style. Discuss how you would assess each in detail.

In your replies, evaluate and critique 2 classmates' choice of indicators. Ideally, these classmates will have indicators other than those you have chosen. At least 1 indicator must be different. Choose someone who has not already been critiqued if possible. You will need to find 2 sources not used in the thread to support your critique. Your critique should point out the limitations of your classmate's indicators and consider ways to enhance the value of each indicator. Be nice, but brutally honest; "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Prov. 27:17). The goal is to help one another. This is part of being a community.

Reference no: EM132434949

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