Reference no: EM133332305
1. Identify two different health professionals you could contact to seek advice about a service delivery plan.
2. Discuss how you could arrange a consultation with one of these health professionals.
3. Describe a situation that may involve the need to refer to another person for advice.
4. When co-ordinating delivery of services to an older person, what do you need to ensure you have done?
5. Think of three reasons why the service delivery pian may not be providing the right level of service.
6. Describe two of the mechanisms for obtaining feedback, which are used in a care organisation you are familiar with.
7. Why do you think it is important to obtain feedback about the service delivery plan?
8. Why should you obtain feedback from the older person or their advocate about the service delivery, rather than just relying on the feedback from carers ?
9. Think of three different health professionals you might report this information to.