Reference no: EM133323043
Puberty refers to the years of sexual maturation and physical growth marking the end of childhood. For most adolescents, one of the most important aspects of puberty is when it occurs - where they are in their development compared to their peers. Many develop around the same time as their peers, but some develop relatively early or late. There are four pubertal timing categories that have received considerable attention from researchers: early developing girls, early developing boys, late developing girls and late developing boys. The experience of developing early or late can be challenging for an adolescent and can affect many aspects of their life including body image, self-concept, relationship with peers of the same sex as well as the opposite sex, academic performance, and likelihood of problem behaviors.
Consider the following scenario about Casey who is 14:
Casey is a freshman in high school and is attending his first high school dance. He is a late-maturing male. Dates are not required, which Casey likes because he prefers to go with his friends. Although Casey is interested in girls, they do not seem to pay much attention to him at the dance. A few of his friends dance with a girl, especially the athletic ones who always seem to be selected over him for the prime positions in sports.
Casey feels anxious and embarrassed, and does not feel very good about his less developed body. He has a good relationship with his friends but is not popular with most of the kids. At the dance, a few of the popular boys convince Casey to go outside and smoke some pot. Using the advantages and disadvantages of a late-maturing male, how is this night likely to unfold for Casey? Do not list the disadvantages and advantages. Just support your description of Casey's experiences with a brief reference to the impact of maturational timing on adolescent adjustment.
Now consider another 14-year-old adolescent, Sandra. For Sandra, puberty started early, at about age 8. Therefore, she is considered an early-maturing female. She is also a freshman in high school and just attended her first high school dance.
Describing what Sandra is likely to experience at the dance and support your response with what you learn about her pubertal timing category.