Reference no: EM13804030
I write to propose a review of the meal programs in all National Learning Institutions through the help of the projects titled "Eat healthy, Study smart." The project recommends a review of the meal programs in our learning institutions with focus on the lunch program to help in fighting some of the challenges facing the student in their studies as a result of insufficient nutrition and health standards.
While I appreciate the schools' management's efforts to improve the nutrition and health standards of our students, you will agree that such efforts are not in entirety. That is why in having the "Eat healthy, Study smart" program in place the students in our institutions will be healthy if not studying smart. When we get it right, we will be feeding hopes of a nutritious and healthy student fraternity.
The purpose of my writing to you discusses the economic value of reviewing the National Lunch Program in schools. It will not only help students in becoming healthy but will also compliance of the schools' Administration to the American Dietary Guidelines as well as save on the food costs.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you have any further questions.
"Eat healthy, Study smart" proposes a raft of change that need to be implemented in order for the National Lunch Program to fruition in the successful implementation. In addition, the project tries to interpret the economic benefits of having a meal program that is of grit importance to the health and academic life of the students, as well as the food expenditure by learning institutions. It will help a lot in having the appropriate implementations of the Lunch programs in accordance with its intended target.
The management in many schools does not take the adjustment of their meal programs as an important milestone in the realization of the economic value and health needs of students. According to statistics by Wener and Hoeger (2014), many students are obese as a result of consumption of food without considering its health benefits.
According to Sizer and Ellie (2006), there are a raft of developments by the United States Department of Agriculture has in an effort to ensure that the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs comply with American Dietary Guidelines. These reforms come with both negative and positive impacts. In terms of markets, that is, the commodity markets, producer marketing, receipts and farm
programs there will be no significant variance (Sizer & Ellie, 2006).
At consumption level, the change in the lunch programs by the school management means that the health of the students is going to improve significantly given that fact that they will be offered healthier meals in addition to them getting educated on the importance of having long-term healthy eating habits (USDA, 1994).The change in the meal program would be of help to the management in minimizing as well as controlling the program costs. The fact informs the changes that school lunch programs are entitlement programs and as such, the total costs are directly related to the reimbursement rates; numbers and types of meals served. There will also be a minimization of the effect of agricultural commodity (USDA, 1994).
While adjusting the National Lunch Programs for schools, it will be significant to borrow from the various Food and Nutrition Service programs in palace which include the School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Special Milk Program among others that have the sole purpose of fighting hunger and obesity in the society (USDA, 2013). The programs are detrimental in the schools' decision to adjust the meal program. According to a study, "Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals," the children diet which includes meals served in schools are short of the Dietary Guidelines recommendations (189-91).
Of great concern is the fact that the diets in schools have high fat content which exposes the health of the students to killer diseases among them the coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer (USDA, 2013). There are the high number of reported cases thus prompting immediate participation by the schools' management in the USDA sponsored School Nutrition Dietary Assessment studies. It is through such forums that we can substantiate whether or not the lunches offered meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for the nutrients. The forums can help in observing the levels of fat consumption both of calories from total fat and saturated fat. The findings can then hasten the need for the schools ‘management to take care of the student's health by adjusting the meal program such as the
National Lunch Program (USDA, 2013).
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) adjustment necessitates the need for serving lunch that meets the Federal standards in that student will have lunch at a lower cost or free and it will be nutritious. The schools have to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in school meal menu (Carolyn, 2012). The specific calorie limits should also be set according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in order to attain age-appropriation meals. Students can also buy meals by participating in the free or reduced price meals qualification program where the poor students would qualify for free meals while those wealthy or rich ones get reduced price meals (Carolyn, 2012).