About modernizing our nations crumbling infrastructure

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133250722


1. Restructuring Arguments

Restructure each of the following arguments according to logical principles.

FOR EXAMPLE, We must get serious about modernizing our nation's crumbling infrastructure. Many of our bridges are practically falling down, and our transit system is in dire need of repair. Furthermore, making these improvements would create jobs for millions of workers.

P1: Many of our bridges are practically falling down.

P2: Our transit system is in dire need of repair.

P3: Making these improvements would create jobs for millions of workers.

C: We must get serious about modernizing our nation's crumbling infrastructure.

Now do to the following:

Gandalf the grey is a more powerful wizard than Albus Dumbledore. And since Sauron is a more terrifying villain than Voldemort, it follows that The Lord of the Rings is a better work of fantasy than the Harry Potter series. In addition, hobbits are more compelling protagonists than teenage boys, and compelling protagonists make better stories.

Reference no: EM133250722

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