About bans or government oversight of these platforms

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133184439


High tech industries typically receive greater scrutiny from governments compared to others. Fairly recently you likely saw daily headlines as the U.S. considered a ban against TikTok. More recently, Elon Musk's planned acquisition of Twitter is raising questions about what the acquisition will mean in terms of allowed users and content on the platform. What are your thoughts about bans or government oversight of these platforms? Can this risk be mitigated by companies? If so, how?

Reference no: EM133184439

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the corporate-level strategy : Provide brief complete analysis of different levels of diversification that a firm can pursue by using different corporate-level strategies.
Determine the company pension expense for the year : Lower Lake Corp. reported the following items in the 2017 pension footnote (in millions). Determine the company pension expense for the year
Human resources trends in hospitality : Do online research for trends of human resources in hospitality: Recruiting, Training, Salary and Benefits, Engagement/Retention, Diversity, Unions, or HR trend
What is the inventory turnover : The Gross Profit margin is 25% and the number of unit sold was 87,000 units with an average selling price of $25 per unit. What is the inventory turnover
About bans or government oversight of these platforms : What are your thoughts about bans or government oversight of these platforms? Can this risk be mitigated by companies? If so, how?
Discussion topic of an hrm course : Who would have thought that OSHA and the IRS would be discussed in the same discussion topic of an HRM course? This topic will be a bit foundational
How could we utilize the communications planning template : As you know, many governmental agencies are putting together revised plans to address COVID-19 within their communities.
Responsibility for injury between plaintiff and defendant : • Punitive damage awards exist to deter future harmful actions. What level of award do you believe is necessary to achieve that deterrence effect? When would a
How impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives : Q1: Let's assume that the Australian government announced that food wrapping can be only done with biodegradable paper from 2023.


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Managerial Economics Questions & Answers

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The article study for the demand, supply and the market equilibrium has been discussed. The article that has been review was published on August 2012.

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Explain whether the firm will make economic profit, In the short run and In the long run.

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Determine the official measure of the deficit

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What is the profit maximizing number of Gizmo Widgets that should be introduced? Be sure to account for the fact that Gizmo Widgets displace other kinds of widgets. Again, be sure you provide a brief explanation of your approach/reasoning.

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  Prepare a marginal cost analysed income statement for 2014

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  Prepare a marginal cost analysed income statement for 2014

Prepare a Marginal Cost Analysed Income Statement for 2014 from the above data to identify total and individual medical procedure contributions and profits.

  Solve managerial economics questions

MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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