A well known business person walks

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1329001

A well known business person walks into your business and asks to speak to the owner. He introduces himself as John Doe and would like to talk to you in private. Mr. Doe is retiring and is closing his business that was located just down the street, and wants to sell you his detailed customer contact information and sales reports for the past 20 years. He says he has more than 10,000 customers in his unique database. What should you do?

Reference no: EM1329001

Questions Cloud

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A well known business person walks : A well known business person walks into your business and asks to speak to the owner. He introduces himself as John Doe and would like to talk to you in private. Mr. Doe is retiring and is closing his business that was located just down the street,
Rate and the mechanics'' performance : Electronic Unit Pricing in Supply Chain Management; Honda Allowed Mechanic's Rate - What is your opinion of Honda's allowed rate and the mechanics' performance?
Find out an output which maximizes the total revenue : Find out an output which maximizes the total revenue. Calculate the price elasticity of demand at this output.
Give string that contains more dashes than dots : Write down a seven-character string that contains more dashes than dots and is in the language. Show how you know that your reply is correct.
Service operations queues : How are people waiting in queues in service operations similar to buffering inventories in manufacturing and in what ways are they different


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