A statement telling the user if they get a discount or not

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940388

I need helping figuring this lab exercise.
Writing Methods with No Parameters
The program asks the user if they have pre-registered for a conference. If the user has pre-registered, the program should call a method named discount () that displays the message "You are pre-registered and qualify for a 10% discount." If the user has not pre-registered, the program should call a method named noDiscount () that displays the message "Sorry, you did not pre-register and do not qualify for a 10% discount."
I need help writing the Java Statements.
// ConferenceDiscount.java - This program determines if a conference attendee gets a 10% discount
// for pre-registering.
// Input: Interactive.
// Output: A statement telling the user if they get a discount or no discount.


publicstaticvoid main(String args[])

String registerString;

registerString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Did you pre-register? Enter Y or N: ");

// Test input here. If Y, call discount(), else call noDiscount().


} // End of main() method.

// Write discount method here.

// Write noDiscount method here.

} // End of ConferenceDiscount class.

Reference no: EM13940388

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