A report concerning the management and leadership styles

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Reference no: EM13983186 , Length: 3000 Words

A report concerning the management and leadership styles adopted in the air transport industry and how they have influenced change.

No# of Pages:
10 pages (3000 words)

Academic Level:
Under Graduate

Subject Area:

Paper Style:

No# of Sources Required:

English (U.K)

I have attached my assignment brief and would like you to focus on 1 organisation or company which is very popular for its leadership or management styles in place. for e.g. Virgin Atlantic and Richard Branson. Or Herb Kelleher from Southwest Airlines.

Most importantly mention management theories as well as evaluate the importance of it in the chosen company for e.g. Southwest airline are being always profitable as compared to other airline competitors and this could be because of its management style by the leader of the company who focuses the work calmly and enjoys it; which then inspires the staff to produce excellent results. You can get the idea from the assessment criteria and what is required to produce this document. Please also use Harvard referencing style (No footnotes or anything) and use atleast 3 different sources than online or internet based work- it can be any book, journal, or newspaper article or even an interview. 

I recommend choosing Southwest airlines as there is a variety of information available and since the popular leadership of the company's CEO Kelleher, it might be little easier for you to analyse data. Also, the introduction can be 350-500 words but minimum 350. History of the company is vital in the report and evaluation is also necessary which can be the advantages of the management styles and how it have changed the industry or the company or its perspective, etc. etc. Rest of the little information can be found on the brief attached. 

Assignment attached

Assignment format and other relevant instructions to students:

Write a 3000 word (+/-10%) reportconcerning the management and leadership styles adopted in the air transport industry and how they have influenced change.

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:

1. Critically assess the importance of good leadership and management in the smooth and productive operation of an organisation.

2. Discuss critically the approaches to change in the context of management styles.

3. Rationally argue the case for the adoption of different approaches to leadership and management dependent upon people, contexts and vision.
The Assignment Task:

Students are required to consider the air transport industry: airlines, airports, manufacturers, regulators and any other pertinent organisations. The management styles adopted within at least one of these organisations are to be evaluated through use of appropriate sources, specifically linking the various approaches to recognised management theory.Students should research the history of their chosen organisation and discuss how it has developed and changed over the years and how that change has been managed.

The report should include appraisal of the various styles of management adopted, how successful they have been and why they have succeeded or failed. Students should also present any arguments for organisations to change their style of management.

Students should structure their report to include a title page, an introduction of no more than 750 words and an appropriately titled main body of text, making use of sub-headings as appropriate.A brief summaryshould be evident.

References should be presented using the Harvard style, both in the text and references list;there should be at least five different sources, three of which should be non-internet based.

Assessment Criteria

1. Presentation, structure, references, spelling and grammar - 15%

2. An appropriate introduction of no more than 750 words - 15%

3. Evidence of secondary research from at least five sources concerning an appropriate aviation organisation, demonstrating critical evaluation of how it has changed over time and how that change has been managed - 30%

4. Evaluation of the different management styles adopted in different air transport industries, with specific discussion on management theory - 40%

Reference no: EM13983186

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