A put the number in front of each event with a number 1 for

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13373368

A. Put the number in front of each event with a number 1 for the first event and a number 9 for the last one and numbers 2 through 8 in order of when they
happened for those in between.
1. __________ The Jews of Sighet are herded into a small ghetto.
2.___________The Jews of Sighet are loaded in cattle cars and are held captive in sealed cattle cars for three days.
3.___________The Jews smell burning flesh.
4._________Elie decides to commit suicide by throwing himself onto an electrified barbed wire fence.
5.__________Elie walks by burning babies in an open pit.
6._________Elie and his father lied about their age to avoid being sent to the gas chambers.
7._________At Auschwitz Elie is separated from his mother and sisters whom he never sees again.
8.__________Elie lies to Stein telling him that his wife and children are safe.
9._________Moshe the Beadle returns to Sighet with the news of Nazi mass murder of Jews. 

Reference no: EM13373368

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