A program that could be used as a very basic police sketch

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM132083626

Note : (I am a beginner in programming, can you give me a detail that will help me to understand. Thank you)

Write a C# program that could be used as a very basic police sketch program. At a minimum, the user will choose:

1. the hair style 2. the eye style 3. the mouth style

The Main( ) method will contain 3 method calls to hair, eye, and mouth categories. In each of the category methods, it allows the choice of one of the three styles.

In other words, each category method needs to first prompt the choice of 3 items and then receive a choice from the keyboard. Afterward, it uses if-else statement to output the corresponding style. Sample output:

Choose a hair style:

(1) parted (2) straight-up (3) balding Enter choice: 1 Choose an eye style: (1) beady eyed (2) wide eyed (3) wears glasses Enter choice: 3

Choose a mouth style: (1) smiling (2) straight faced (3) surprised Enter choice: 3

Your sketch looks like this:

||||||||///////////// | | Hair Style | | | --- --- | _|----|O|----|O|---- |_ Eye Style |_ _| | | | | Mouth Style | O | | |

Remember: If you want to display a \, you must use two of them: \\.

Reference no: EM132083626

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