A paper about differences on concepts of rebirth and karma

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Reference no: EM131370292

Write the given paper assignment.

A paper about the differences on the concepts of rebirth and karma between Hinduism and Buddhism.

Polish the words and improve the paper by making a new introduction and using some academic sources as cition ( books , journals).

Outline for the paper:

"The Differences Between Hinduism and Buddhism in The Concepts of Karma and Rebirth"

A. The concept of Samsara/rebirth cycle in Hinduism.
1. The origin of Hinduism.

2. Basic differences between realm and realm in Samsara.(Hindusim)

3. What are the roles of Gods in Samsara.

4. The way to get into a good realms in next life and how did holy renouncers do.

B. The concept of Samsara/rebirth cycle in Buddhism.
1. How did Buddhism come out from Hinduism( Historical Perspective) and how did Buddhist explain the origin of Buddhism( Insider Perspective).

2. Basic differences between realm and realm in rebirth cycle( Buddhism)

3. The way to get into a good realms in next life and how did Laymen and monks/nuns do.
1)In Mahayana Buddhism( mainly talk about the Pure Land School)
2)In Theravada Buddhism
3)In Tibetan Buddhism( mainly talk about the particular ritual practice: Sky burial.)

C. The concept of karma in Hinduism
1. The definition of karma.

2. How does karma work in Samsara.

3. The relationship between Moksha and karma. ( Karma is the root of rebirth)

D. The concept of karma in Buddhism
1. The definition of Karma. ( Make a comparisons between Hinduism's idea and Buddhism's idea)

2. How does karma work in rebirth cycle.

3. The relationship between nirvana and karma.( Karma is not the root of rebirth and it won't help people to achieve nirvana)
1)In Theravada Buddhism.( Goal: the liberation of myself)

2)In Mahayana Buddhism. ( Goal: the liberation of myself and then come back to rebirth cycle as a Bodhisattva.)

F. Conclusion

Attached is the first draft of the paper.

Length : 12-15 pages.

MLA style and cite source from books and journals which means it should be academic sources.

Attachment:- Karma and rebirth.rar

Reference no: EM131370292

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