A large software development company

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13542263

Suppose you are an internal investigator for a large software development company. The Human Resources Department has requested you investigate the accusations that one employee has been harassing another over both the corporate Exchange email system and Internet-based Yahoo! email.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
Create an outline of the steps you would take in examining the email accusations that have been identified.
Describe the information that can be discovered in email headers and determine how this information could potentially be used as evidence in the investigation.
Analyze differences between forensic analysis on the corporate Exchange system and the Internet-based Yahoo! System. Use this analysis to determine the challenges that exist for an investigator when analyzing email sent from an Internet-based email system outside of the corporate network.
Select one (1) software-based forensic tool for email analysis that you would utilize in this investigation. Describe its use, features, and how it would assist in this scenario

Reference no: EM13542263

Questions Cloud

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A large software development company : Suppose you are an internal investigator for a large software development company
The predicate should take two arguments : The predicate should take two arguments: a list corresponding to the program to execute, and a list corresponding to the contents of the resulting stack.
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Explain how organizational behavior has influenced : Provide a brief background on the organization and its objectives and explain how organizational behavior has influenced the organization's effectiveness over the last 5 years.


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