A java application that can hold five doubles in a array

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Reference no: EM1329604

Write a Java application that can hold five doubles in an array, and display the doubles from first to last, and then display the doubles from last to first. Use the following logic for BubbleSort to sort and display the array in sequence.

Int comparisonToMake = someNums.length - 1;
for (a = 0; a < someNums.length - 1; ++a)
for(b = 0; < comparisonToMake; ++b)
if(someNums[b] > sp,eMi,s[b + 1])
temp = someNums [b];
someNums[b] > = someNums[b + 1]';
someNums[b + 1] = temp;

Reference no: EM1329604

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