Reference no: EM131103444
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My dear 62 year old friend is in a bind. Her 72 year old husband was recently hospitalized in Washington, DC, which makes getting insurance a priority. Using the website along with others, I was able to find the required information my friend needed in order to determine whether Medicaid would be a good solution for them.
Medicaid is a health and long-term coverage program that was enacted in 1965 (, 2016). As of April 2016, 89,704 people were enrolled in Medicare in Washington, DC (CMS, 2016). This is an incredible amount of people for such a small area, which is why it is important to know eligibility guidelines.
How can the government create uniform guidelines when each state's population is considerably unique? One solution is through utilizing modified adjusted growth income (MAGI), where income levels are tied to the federal poverty level. DC has set standards based on MAGI that pertains to Medicaid eligible individuals including children, pregnant women, care takers/parents, and other adults over the age of 65 or adults that are permanently disabled. The following MAGI-based eligibility levels are expressed as a percentage of the FPL (, 2016):