A distributive bargaining method uses a win-lose approach

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131071903

Question 1.

Which of the following is most likely to be included in ground rules during a negotiation?

o the settlement range

o the list of the bargaining tactics that can be used

o the location for the negotiating session

o the BATNAs for both parties

o the resistance points of both the parties

Question 2.

During the initial sessions of collective bargaining, both parties demonstrate their willingness to negotiate, identify their basic bargaining positions, and generally set the tone of the negotiations. This is known as ________.

o posturing

o satisficing

o moonlighting

o slugging

o caucusing

Question 3.

Negotiators, in their list of initial demands, may include items of little or even no real value to their side, thus providing some items to trade in exchange for others of high priority to their side. These items are known as ________ items.

o tertiary

o throwaway

o concealed

o flexible

o posturing

Question 4.

________ states that 80 percent of what is accomplished occurs as a result of 20 percent of the effort while the remaining 20 percent of what is accomplished takes 80 percent of the effort.

o Pareto's law

o Robert's Rules of Order

o Mill's theory of utilitarianism

o Aristotle's ethics of purpose

o Kant's ethics of principle

Question 5.

________ is referred to in general as "win/lose" bargaining because whatever one side gains is made at the expense of the other party.

o Mutual gain bargaining

o Distributive bargaining

o Good-faith bargaining

o Integrative bargaining

o Surface bargaining

Question 6.

The ________ point represents a maximum or minimum level beyond which the negotiator will not accept a proposal. This is the negotiator's bottom line.

o settlement

o distribution

o resistance

o target

o regression

Question 7.

In the case of a negotiation, the objective of each party is to achieve a settlement point as close as possible to its ________ point.

o deviation

o regression

o resistance

o target

o anchoring

Question 8.

If the opening offer made by a negotiator is immediately accepted by the other party then the negotiator who made the opening offer tends to worry over why the offer was accepted so quickly without even one counteroffer. This phenomenon is known as the ________.

o gambler's fallacy

o framing effect

o winner's curse

o impact bias

o sleeper effect

Question 9.

With reference to the negotiation norms, 'maintaining the status quo' is a form of the ________ norm.

o relational

o reciprocity

o fairness

o transactional

o good-faith

Question 10.

In labor negotiations, which of the following norms is mandated as a part of the collective bargaining process by the National Labor Relations Act?

o good-faith bargaining norm

o equity norm

o equality norm

o maintaining the status quo

o relational norm

Question 11.

If the management rejects the union's wage demand saying that it is not willing to agree with the demand, then under the National Labor Relations Act, the union has the right to demand information on the financial condition of the company.

o True

o False

Question 12.

One's BATNA does not have to be objectively "better" than the other party's BATNA to give one negotiating power.

o True

o False

Question 13.

Bypassing your opponent's negotiator to undermine the opponent's confidence in him is an ethical bargaining tactic.

o True

o False

Question 14.

A distributive bargaining method uses a "win-lose" approach.

o True

o False

Question 15.

In distributive bargaining, the objective of the parties involved is to maximize their share of the fixed resource.

o True

o False

Question 16.

The target point is a maximum or minimum beyond which the negotiator will not accept a proposal. This is the negotiator's bottom line.

o True

o False

Question 17.

The resistance point is the most desired outcome or objective a negotiator sets for an issue.

o True

o False

Question 18.

In negotiation, bracketing is the process of moving toward a middle point between the opening offers.

o True

o False

Question 19.

The equality norm promotes the distribution of resources based on the proportional input of the parties.

o True

o False

Question 20.

'Maintaining the status quo' is a form of the relational norm.

o True

o False

Question 21.

Differentiate between distributive and integrative bargaining techniques.

Question 22.

Describe the categorization method used for integrative bargaining.

Reference no: EM131071903

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