A discussion about the potential impact of the results

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Reference no: EM132255370

Topic: Impact of Incarceration in Children

The discussion and conclusion is the part of the research report in which researchers discuss their study findings, study limitations, related implications, and the importance of the research to the field of criminal justice.

To prepare your discussion and conclusion, complete the following tasks:


Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings that could have resulted if you actually conducted your proposed study.

Remember to return to your research questions and/or hypotheses as well as findings from the studies you discussed in your literature review to assist you in developing this section of the research report.

Provide a discussion about any conclusions that can be drawn from the anticipated findings.

You are in essence being asked to discuss whether or not you think that you would have found support for your hypotheses, answers to your research questions, or additional research questions.

Provide a discussion about any study limitations that are associated with your proposed study's research methodology.

Remember that your study's limitations would have been considered during the development of your research methodology.


Provide a discussion about the potential impact of the results of your study on the field of criminal justice (e.g., practices and policies).

Include a discussion about how managers in criminal justice agencies would be able to use your study's findings as managerial tools for working with criminal justice personnel.

Provide a discussion about future research possibilities that are related to your proposed study.

Cite all your sources in APA format, both in-text and in the reference list.

Ensure the research methodology is a minimum of two double-spaced pages.

Reference no: EM132255370

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