A detailed discussion of current technology

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13785711

1. Length: 4700 to 5000 words in the body of the paper. Note: graphics may be used to illustrate points of the paper, but they must be documented in APA format, they do not count as words (a picture is NOT worth a 1000 words here!), and they do not count towards the source count in requirement 3 if the source is not also used in the text.

2. A properly prepared Title page, table of contents, and list of references shall be included in correct placement within the paper, using correct APA formatting. NOTE: These do not count towards the word limit given in requirement 1.

3. A minimum of ten reliable & verifiable sources which must be correctly cited in text AND in a reference list using correct APA style formatting. Sources such as published texts, peer-reviewed journal articles, manufacturer's product information, government or professional society "white paper" reports, conference proceedings, periodicals (newspapers or magazines). What are the things that usually don't count as reliable sources:

1. advertising literature cause people lie when they are trying to sell you something; and

2. Something you just googled on the internet, because unverifiable opinion is just that, somebody's opinion. If you want to use materials such as this as a source then it needs to done in such a way as to acknowledge their unreliability as fact and how that unreliability is essential to the point of the topic.

4. APA formatting style to be applied throughout the paper (double spacing, headings, etc.).

5. The document should read as a professionally written paper. Correct spelling, use of English grammar, sentence & paragraph structure, and punctuation shall be displayed throughout the paper.

6. QUALITY: The paper should form a synthesis of the sources, not just a repeat of what you read. I want you to show meaning, and understanding. Obviously each topic has some uniqueness to it that affects the overall final structure of the document. However, here are some general things I want you to address in your paper:

a. An explanation of the Problem/Issue - An introduction which frames the topic and states in general terms what the problem or issues involves.

b. Literature Review & State of the Art - A detailed discussion of current technology and practices and how the problems or issues arise, are solved and/or how the technology is utilized.

c. Future Implications - A discussion of solutions and where the problem is headed.

d. Summary - Give your opinion based on what you have learned from your own investigation and research into the issue.

Reference no: EM13785711

Questions Cloud

Racial prejudice and discrimination in today''s society : What are the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in today's society?
What were key areas of concern : One of the most famous and highly publicized homicide cases in recent history was that of "State of California v. O.J. Simpson". What was done incorrectly? What were key areas of concern
Forgiveness and reconciliation : You will be responsible for writing Eight Article Reviews that are based on articles chosen from the book entitled "Forgiveness and Reconciliation by: Raymond G. Helmick, S.J. and Rodney L. Petersen (2001)
The biological or psychological theories : There has been a shift in how to handle those individuals who have committed crimes associated with identified issues. Some of these are drug court, homelessness court, and mental health court. Please describe what happens when one is diverted to ..
A detailed discussion of current technology : Literature Review & State of the Art - A detailed discussion of current technology and practices and how the problems or issues arise, are solved and/or how the technology is utilized.
Problems related to disease and natural disasters : Do you know that what seems to be going on right now is really happening? How could you be mistaken? Is this a realistic possibility?
What can the company do with the profits : The goal of any corporation is to generate profits. Once generated, what can the company do with the profits - Please do a 200 word minimum to a 300 word maximum posting.
Total interest cost of the bonds : Downs Company issued $800,000 of 8%, 5-year bonds at 106, which pays interest annually. Assuming straight-line amortization, what is the total interest cost of the bonds?
Discuss the scenario and apply core concepts : Keep in mind that with decision making, employee motivation, and group behavior, so find a scenario that is most applicable in those regards. Discuss the scenario and apply 2 core concepts


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