A basic disaster recovery plan using femas emergency

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Reference no: EM132255374

It is critical to establish plans prior to a disaster and ensure training and education related to the recovery plan are in place for successful implementation in an emergency.

Watch the following videos highlighting what a business continuity plan is and the importance of having a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place. Consider the consequences of not having a recovery plan in place prior to a disaster as you view these videos.

FEMA: Business Continuity Training Part One: What Is Business Continuity Planning?

FEMA: Business Continuity Training Part Three: What Is the Business Continuity Planning Process?


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2013). Business Continuity Training Part One: What Is Business Continuity Planning? [Video file].

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2013). Business Continuity Training Part Three: What Is the Business Continuity Planning Process? [Video file].

Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry

As the business continuity planner, you are responsible for establishing, implementing, and maintaining policies and procedures to ensure effective recovery in case of disaster. This week you are tasked with developing a presentation for business owners in your community, outlining the process of business recovery with an emphasis on the elements specific to industry standard models.


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (1993). Emergency management guide for business and industry.Washington, DC: Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining a basic disaster recovery plan using FEMA's Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry as a guide.

Include the following in your presentation:

Establish a planning team

Analyze capabilities and hazards

Develop the plan

Implement the plan

Highlight key points and utilize speaker notes or audio for additional details.

The PowerPoint presentation should have the following characteristics:

Designed with a live audience in mind in order to inform your viewers about the topic

Bullets for your main points

Pictures to support your presentation where applicable

Speaker notes or audio to fully explain what is being discussed in the slide bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience

A title slide and references slide

Research from at least two credible sources beyond the text material to support the main message, including graphics. Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the sources used.

Information from course readings, the course materials, or other library sources incorporated to support your discussion. Properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.

Research and visuals are cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a references slide. You need to quote material taken directly from a source. The same standards for documenting sources that apply to an essay also apply to a presentation. Go to Course Home>Academic Tools> APA Style Central for a digital library of APA style quick guides and tutorials to refine your writing.

Signal phrases are useful in presentations. They help make your writing flow with one idea clearly leading to the next. It is a good practice to use signal words and phrases instead of just inserting quotations abruptly and separately. For more details on signal phrases, refer to the Writing Center.

Reference no: EM132255374

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