8 decisions for the new shoes simulation

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13883958

By the end of this week you will have completed at least 8 decisions for the New Shoes Simulation. In a 500 word essay explain what you have learned from the simulation thus far in addition to the process that you have used to make decisions each period. The paper should include the following: A summary of your decisions throughout the simulation, How you analyzed your results from the previous decision period using the Market Research purchased as well as the Income Statement, Dashboard, and other tools available to you.  An explanation of how your organization from the New Shoes Simulation can remain competitive from a marketing perspective  in the ever changing national and global marketplace, Share your competitive advantage over the competition,  Explain how you can apply the information and use of the simulation in a real position in the Marketing realm. 



Reference no: EM13883958

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