Reference no: EM133137901
7BUSS023W Sustainable Global Growth - University of Westminster
Research project:
Choose an existing SME Based in the UK and analyze its internationalisation potential in terms of industry international structure and drivers.
Report structure
The structure of the report should be as follows;
1) Executive Summary (400 -500 words)
2) Introduction(indicative word count 200 -400).Present the purpose of your report, what is in the report and reveal the report's main conclusions.
3) A brief description of the SME you have chosen to analyse,(indicative word count 800 - 1000).This section should include a description of the SME.
4) A critical analysis of the SME's industry in terms of Bartlet and Ghoshal's model of international structure and strategy (week 4).(indicative word count 800 - 1000).Use examples.
5) Identify and analyse the industry's key drivers using Yip's model of globalisation drivers (week 5). (indicative word count 800 - 1000). Use examples form this industry.
6) Conclusion (indicative word count 500 - 1000)
7) Bibliography.Don't forget to use Westminster/Harvard referencing. The guide to this system can be found on the student hub.Not referencing your work correctly will lead to the loss of points.
MLO1: Recognise, identify and critically assess the global forces that affect the strategic growth options of companies
MLO2: Critically evaluate the strategic situation of companies and their capacity to create and sustain a competitive advantage in a globalised economy
MLO3: Develop, review, evaluate and defend the strategic growth option(s) a company may apply in order solve global challenges
Each student will choose a strategic growth option from their collective work in assessment one which will represent a concrete action plan for international expansion including market choice (one or two markets) and entry modes, JV's, franchising etc. as well as one aspect of sustainability (Social or Environmental). The student will defend the chosen option individually under strict time constraints (15 to 20 minutes).
Attachment:- Sustainable Global Growth.rar