Reference no: EM132825311
7BE005 Entrepreneurial Change Agent - University of Wolverhampton
Assignment Brief
You are required to produce an enterprising change plan for an organisation of your choice - private/ public sector or social enterprise making appropriate reference to supporting theories and models of change.
The plan should focus on a specific department/ business or work group within an organisation that you are familiar with. The change plan is intended to enhance enterprise/ innovation/ improve efficiency or organisational effectiveness.
The change will usually involve introducing a new way of doing things, a new process or system; change, new skills or capabilities that may require a change in the organisational structure/ teams and or culture.
Examples could include introducing new technology or IT systems or quality processes into a private or public sector organization. For example, in a college or university you could develop a change plan to implement a new online learning platform for students or the digitization of student data & communication systems.
You will need to consider the change issue/ problem - why is the change needed? And what does the change represent; a completely new way of doing things, process/ system? Or the redesigning of existing practices, processes, or systems? You will also need to consider exactly what are the key changes to be made? What will be done or happen differently in the future and how this will improve the organisation? Who will do this and how?
The report will be comprised of 4 sections
Section 1: Identifying the change situation/ context
• Identify the reasons for the change/ change context/ enterprising nature of the change.
• Identify the scope of the change project/ state clearly the purpose/ aims of the project.
• Identify the change agents/ change team involved in the project.
Section 2: The change project analysis
• Discuss the extent of organisational readiness for this change.
• Undertake a Stakeholder analysis - Identify the different stakeholders and evaluate/ discuss how much power/ influence and interest might they exert on the project?
• Undertake a Force field analysis - likely resistance/ obstacles to change - Discussion of this.
• A critique of the existing organisational culture - will this support or hinder change?
• Identifying key resistance and a brief plan of actions to minimize this.
Section 3: Discuss, the steps necessary to implement the change programme. This should refer to change model(s) e.g. Kotter's Staged model and or Lewin. However, do not simply list these as your stages.
Likely stages you will need to identify and discuss to implement the project will
• Formation of the change team/ roles/ setting of project budget/ timescales
• Review/ consultation process
• New systems/ hardware/ software identified/ tendered/ tested
• Introduction of a pilot programme?
• Roll out/ Changes to the organizational structure? To processes? To systems? In key people?
• Staff Training
• A brief communication plan
• A brief risk assessment of undertaking the change
• Overview of success factors
Section 4: Change plan Overview
• Overall Action Plan - milestones/ timescales in a chart format
The report has a recommended word limit of 4000 words; however, this does not include any tables or diagrams you may wish to put into the appendices and then refer to in the report itself (Appendices should be linked to the application of change frameworks or tables). The report needs to be concise, but should make appropriate reference to supporting theories, models etc. to help underpin the validity of your recommendations. Clearly section 3 will be a very important part of the overall report.
Learning outcome 1: Critically evaluate and make recommendations for the implementation of a change project using appropriate concepts, models and theories.
Learning outcome 2: Apply change leadership and project management skills in the (proposed) implementation and evaluation of a change programme.
Attachment:- Entrepreneurial Change Agent.rar