Reference no: EM133047822 , Length: word count:2000
55-704588 Lean Operations and Six Sigma - Sheffield Hallam University
Assignment - Case Company
Learning outcome 1: Select, explain and reflect upon core lean principles and techniques.
Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate a working knowledge and application of lean principles and six sigma tools and techniques to streamline selected businesses.
Learning outcome 3: Critically review recent developments in lean thinking, best practices and case studies.
The Tasks
You have been employed as a consultant to implement Lean and 6? within a local SME.
The case companydetails will be provided separately.
You have just less than two months to consider all the available material. After which you are required to produce a written document detailing the options the manager should consider.
1) Critical review of the literature giving detailed examples of where within industry Lean and 6?have been applied, the strategies followed when implementing, the benefits achieved and whether there are any lessons to be learned.
This is an individual task.
2) Create current and future state Value Stream Maps (VSM).
To be completed in pairs.
3) Relating back to your future state VSM propose approaches which can feasibly be considered when implementing lean and 6? manufacturing principles within the case company. Stating where the most benefit would be gained. While documenting your implementation plan are there any tools and techniques which you would not implement; either immediately, within the year or indeedat any time?
To be completed in pairs.
4) Being able to sustain the improvements implemented through Lean-6sigma initiativesis challenging. Discuss, with reference to the literature, how you would ensure that any changes implemented within the case company are sustainable in the long term.
This is an individual task.
5) By the time you read this assignment the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26 will have been and gone and this year's University's Big Read 2021will have been released;How to Save Our Planet: the Facts by Professor Mark Maslin, an important book for anyone who wants to learn more about the climate emergency and what action we can take.
With the increasing awareness of needing to reduce emissions, you are required to criticallyanalyse and discuss, with reference to the literature, whether all of the tools available to a practitionerof Lean 6 Sigma remain valid or whether some tools should be avoided or replaced. In essence, is Lean 6 sigma compatible with and still relevant with being Green?In light of your findings, is there any part of the case study's business which should be changed?
If you wish to read the book; How to Save Our Planet: the Facts by Professor Mark Maslin, you may collect one, free of charge, from outside 4129, Sheaf Building.
Attachment:- Lean Operations and Six Sigma.rar