Reference no: EM133140907
55-702441 Logistics and Enterprise Information Systems - Sheffield Hallam University
Automotive Spare Parts Ltd
Create a new product in SAP SOFTWARE (BUSINESS BY DESIGN)
Learning outcome 1: Analyse advanced Materials Planning techniques in the planning and control of logistics function.
Learning outcome 2: Critically appraise the role of the most recent Enterprise information system in Supply Chain.
Learning outcome 3: The above should be achieved through completing this assignment:
• To further develop students' analytical and managerial skills on Logistics Planning
and Control issues.
• To clearly define the main problems with the methods of logistics planning and control in use at The Automotive Spare Parts Ltd.
• To recommend an approach to materials management that the Automotive Spare Parts should adopt.
• To use SAP Business ByDesign to create one of the products and demonstrate the
ability to use the System correctly.
Please read the attached Automotive Spare Parts Ltd Case, put yourself in Jacobs' place and write a report (maximum 2000) to your boss, Ollie Prout. Specifically:
1) You are required to do a manual MRP explosion for the sidelamps and headlamps of the next six weeks (beginning with the current week). Assume that it is now the start of week 11.
2) Fill in the Start Assembly/planned order release form provided in Table 4. It should show the Start Assembly/planned order releases for all items for the next six weeks. Include it in your report.
3) Your report should identify the good and bad points of MRP implementation at Automotive Spare Parts. Supplement your report with worksheets on the manual MRP explosion indicating where adjustments must be made for start assembly/order releases and scheduled receipts. Conclude by making suggestions for change.
4) Your boss wants you to use the data provided in Table 5 to create the HEADLAMP as a new product in SAP Business ByDesign. You MUST follow the instruction shown in Table 5 about the Product ID which is highlighted in RED font. After creating the product successfully, you are required to snap shots the SAP Business ByDesign screens for the HEADLAMP product after creation (at least 4 screen shots are required). Your product will be checked also on the system to validate your answer for this submission requirements.
Attachment:- Logistics and Enterprise Information Systems.rar