360 degree feedback

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133352


a) Discuss the Performance Appraisal and elaborate on its objectives from an organization's viewpoint?

(b) Detailed the considerations that are taken into account in developing a performance appraisal system?

(c) Describe briefly the criticisms against Performance Appraisal?

(d) What are the factors that lead to the failure of a performance appraisal scheme?


Talk about "Performance Management is beneficial to the organisation only".


(a) What is Reward Management and describe its main objectives from an organisation perspective.

(b) What is "Performance-Related-Reward" and briefly describe three Performance-Related- Reward schemes.

(c) Briefly outline the problems linked with the implementation of a Performance-Related-Reward Scheme.


(a) Explain 360º Feedback and elaborate on its advantages and disadvantages?

(b) Give reason of the factors to be considered in developing a 360 degree feedback.

(c) What are the criteria for the success of 360 degree feedback?


Discuss "Inappropriate Job Evaluation Schemes are detrimental to organisations".

Reference no: EM133352

Questions Cloud

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360 degree feedback : Performance Management, implementation of a Performance-Related-Reward Scheme, Job Evaluation Schemes
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Performance appraisal : performance appraisal, performance management, intrinsic reward and motivation, job satisfaction, rewards
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