301017 Advanced Waste Management Assignment

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132901939

301017 Advanced Waste Management - Western Sydney University

Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate the technologies available for controlling the major atmospheric pollutants.
Learning Outcome 2: Systematically evaluate the drivers for climate change and discuss their impact at global level.
Learning Outcome 3: Classify the solid and hazardous waste produced and analyse its transportation and disposal options.
Learning Outcome 4: Apply risk assessment principles to manage hazardous waste in a sustainable way.
Learning Outcome 5: Apply advanced tools such as, life cycle analysis, to locate and design landfill sites for both urban and rural areas.
Learning Outcome 6: Assess waste disposal options, and recovery and recycling of materials in terms of triple bottom line objectives.


Students must select a 10 ha (315 m x 315 m) area of an urban area within Australia. Selected area must include some commercial and institutional properties. Students must submit two reports. Report 1, which is due in week 7 and the Report 2 which is due in Week 14. For the selected area, carryout the following data collection and analysis. Also, strictly follow the marking criteria.

Report 1: Selection of the site and collection of type and quantities of solidwaste data

- Number of residential and commercial properties.
- Estimate the quantity of waste generated from these houses.

Report 1: Design the number of bins, collection frequency, collection route, number of trucks and their size

- Identify the source separation required (number of bins required).
- Estimate the quantities for each type of waste that is generated.
- Design the collection frequency and route, and number and size of trucks.
- All calculations must be shown properly. All the steps till obtaining the final answer must be systematically shown. In the case of iterative claculations. one of the calculations must be clearly shown and state that these calculations are repeated for other cases.

Report 2: Present resource recovery options and design solidwaste processing required

- Identify the processing required for each of the waste types.
- Design the processing centre.
- Identify the resources that can be recovered, annually.

Report 2: Identify alternative disposal options for the waste that can not be recycled and design the selected of disposal options

- Identify the appropriate disposal options.

- Select appropriate disposal option and state the reasons for your selection.
- Design the selected disposal options.

Report 2: Evaluate all the resources recovery and disposal options using triple bottom line approach

- Evaluate all the resources recovery and disposal options using triple bottom line approach.
- Identify and quantify the likely amounts of hazardous waste that may be generated from households.
- Provide a succinct summary of all the data that was collected and analysed.
- Develop a thought provoking conclusions and recommendations section.

Report 2: Hazardous waste generation, classification, collection, treatment and disposal

- Estimate the amount of hazardous waste that is expected to be generated from the area.
- Design collection, treatment and disposal systems for the hazardous waste generated.

Report 2: Structure of the report

- Use Harvard style referencing - use of Endnote is highly recommended.
- Provide table of content and list of figures and tables
- Provide a list of abbreviations
- All tables and figures should be appropriately numbered and titles provided
- Number all the headings and subheadings
- Use clear English for writing the report
- Make sure that the report is professional engineering report

Attachment:- Advanced Waste Management.rar

Reference no: EM132901939

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301017 Advanced Waste Management Assignment : 301017 Advanced Waste Management Assignment Help and Solution, Western Sydney University - Assessment Writing Service
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