2600-3000 word term paper on the following topichow does

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Reference no: EM13360359 , Length: 3000 Words

2600-3000 word term paper on the following topic:

How does Canada's approach to multiculturalism compare to that of other nations?

APA sytle with a minimum of 10 sources and all in paper quote properly cited.

The following criteria will be used for evaluating the paper:


Provides a clear theoretical and conceptual framework

Demonstrates understanding of concepts of social diversity

Understandable to an interdisciplinary audience


Illustrates a unique voice of the author

Offers insight about a significant issue

Shows risk in thought


Argument convincing and well supported

Good, convincing support for all ideas

Reasoning is explained clearly and includes specific references

Awareness of other interpretations and comparison with yours

Realistic vision of the future


Topic/thesis/theme clearly stated

Includes all relevant ideas and considerations

Appropriate sources accurately cited


Thread of argument builds throughout paper, Arrangement of points and evidence is effective, No rambling or repetition, Points are given weighting relevant to importance to the thesis or theme


Writing clear concise and easily followed, References properly and consistently cited and recorded. Correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Reference no: EM13360359

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