1middot use what you have learned through chapter 7 of

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13379629

1)· Use what you have learned through Chapter 7 of Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention and Internal Control (text), plus relevant experience you have acquired prior to this course, to create a story that summarizes and/or illustrates selected key concepts and techniques.

You do not need to include all of the concepts and techniques.

Give reasons why you select particular concepts and techniques for your story.

· Include a summary where you list and explain what should have been done to prevent the situation and/or how to work around the situation presented in your story to minimize the practice of fraud.

2) Use what you have learned from our required readings, especially Chapter 17 of Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention (text), plus relevant experience you have acquired prior to this course to write an essay that summarizes and/or illustrates your experience with, and/or suggestions for, a fraud prevention culture where you currently work or have worked.

· You do not need to include all of the concepts and techniques. Give reasons why you select particular concepts and techniques.

·Include a summary where you list and explain what should have been done to develop a more effective fraud prevention culture.

3)· Use what you have learned to create a story that summarizes and/or illustrates selected key concepts and techniques related to organizational fraud.

· You do not need to include all of the concepts and techniques. Give reasons why you select particular concepts and techniques for your story.

· Include a summary where you list and explain what should have been done to prevent, and/or how to work around the situation you present in your story to minimize the practice of fraud.

Reference no: EM13379629

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To identify principal audit risk and corresponding audit procedures

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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