1access the spreadsheet and gather the relevant data2use

Assignment Help Managerial Accounting
Reference no: EM13347651

1. Access the spreadsheet and gather the relevant data.

2. Use the appropriate equation (Oddo and Tomson) to compute the scale saturation index, in a spreadsheet.

3. Run a sensitivity on pH.

4. Prepare charts showing the sensitivities.

5. Write a short report, as for Phase 1, with the same sections. You can join the two reports together.

6. Give a conclusion on the scaling risk for calcite scaling and recommend a suitable course of action

Calcite Scale Model from Oddo & Tomson (1994) modified.

SI = log (Ca)(HCO3)
+ pH - 2. 76

+ (9.88*10-3)T + (0.61*10-6)T2

- (3.03 *10-5)P

- (2.348 *(IS0.5) ) + (0.77*IS)

Where: SI is the Saturation Index of calcite (Ca) and (HCO3) are the molar concentrations of Ca and HCO3 ions in mol/L.
The molecular weight of Ca is 40, HCO3 is 61.
T = temperature in degrees F

P = pressure in psi

IS = ionic strength of the produced water. This should be converted to mol/L by dividing by an average molecular weight (53.4) and converting to litre (outcome is to divide IS by 53400)

Sensitivity Analysis: use the range of temperature and pressure shown on the Well Data worksheet to calculate the SI for a range of T, P and pH. Produce charts of these relationships.

Your report could include one or two pages of text and one page of tables and figures. The text should include the following:

Discussion : You may want to address the following in your discussion:

(a) Explain the mechanism for production of calcite scale?

(b) Describe the relevance of the Saturation Index and the meaning of a negative or positive value?

(c) What are major limitations of your evaluation and what can be measured?

(d) The well is scheduled as part of a large field development, what would you recommend to the Project Manager?

(e) When the well is in operation and producing, how would you monitor the process to ensure the scale risk was minimised.


Step 1: Select the well you are to work with:

Well ID GLR CO2 Well
Water Composition

mcf/bbl mol% Depth m
Ionic str Ca mg/L HCO3 mg/L



2407540 200 0.35 3500
20100 610 680

T P pH
2475553 200 0.35 3400
20200 620 690

degC Bar  
2478369 200 0.35 3300
20300 630 700

2500985 200 0.35 3200
20400 640 710

120 200 3.5
2523204 200 0.35 3100
20500 650 720

110 180 3.8
2606999 200 0.35 3000
20600 660 730

100 160 4.2
2608875 200 0.30 3500
20700 670 740

90 140 4.6
2622438 200 0.30 3400
20800 680 750

80 120 5.0
2622497 200 0.30 3300
20900 690 760

70 110 5.4
2622990 200 0.30 3200
21000 610 680

60 100 5.8
2623413 200 0.30 3100
21100 620 690

50 80 6.2
2702007 200 0.30 3000
21200 630 700
  40 60 6.6
2708503 200 0.27 3500
21300 640 710

30 40 7.0
2709049 200 0.27 3400
21400 650 720

20 20 7.4
2709050 200 0.27 3300
21500 660 730

10 10 7.8
2715499 200 0.27 3200
21600 670 740

2715553 200 0.27 3100
21700 680 750

2717253 200 0.27 3000
21800 690 760

2717468 150 0.35 3000
21900 610 680

2717661 150 0.35 2900
22000 620 690

2723702 150 0.35 2800
22100 630 700

2725030 150 0.35 2700
22200 640 710

2726384 150 0.35 2600
22300 650 720

2728859 150 0.35 2500
22400 660 730

2728865 150 0.30 3000
22500 670 740


2729385 150 0.30 2900
22600 680 750

2729467 150 0.30 2800
22700 690 760

2801427 150 0.30 2700
22800 700 770

2811966 150 0.30 2600
22900 610 680

2812885 150 0.30 2500
23000 620 690

2814610 150 0.27 3000
23100 630 700

2815570 150 0.27 2900
23200 640 710

2817623 150 0.27 2800
23300 650 720

2818077 150 0.27 2700
23400 660 730

2822507 150 0.27 2600
23500 670 740

2824786 150 0.27 2500
23600 680 750

2827847 100 0.35 2700
23700 690 760

2830193 100 0.35 2600
23800 700 770

2830225 100 0.35 2500
23900 610 680

2830693 100 0.35 2400
24000 620 690

2831637 100 0.35 2300
24100 630 700

2831703 100 0.35 2200
24200 640 710

2831886 100 0.30 2700
24300 650 720

2832056 100 0.30 2600
24400 660 730

2832267 100 0.30 2500
24500 670 740

2832584 100 0.30 2400
24600 680 750

2833124 100 0.30 2300
24700 690 760

2902649 100 0.30 2200
24800 700 770

2911475 100 0.27 2700
24900 710 780

2920106 100 0.27 2600
25000 720 790


2932624 100 0.27 2500
25100 730 800

3000473 100 0.27 2400
25200 740 810

3001582 100 0.27 2300
25300 750 820

3001919 100 0.27 2200
25400 760 830

Reference no: EM13347651

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