100 chairs arranged in a circle

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13939003

Take a second to imagine that you are in a room with 100 chairs arranged in a circle. These chairs are numbered sequentially from One to One Hundred.

At some point in time, the person in chair #1 will be told to leave the room. The person in chair #2 will be skipped, and the person in chair #3 will be told to leave. Next to go is person in chair #6. In other words, 1 person will be skipped initially, and then 2, 3, 4.. and so on. This pattern of skipping will keep going around the circle until there is only one person remaining.. the survivor. Note that the chair is removed when the person leaves the room.

Write a java program to figure out which chair the survivor is sitting in.

Reference no: EM13939003

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