1 select at least two published articles about a policy

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Reference no: EM13372385

1. Select at least two published articles about a policy issue based on an economic point of view. Critique them from the perspective of this course. The articles do not have to be in a peer-reviewed journal; a working paper, newspaper article, or blog entry would also qualify if they apply economics to a policy issue.

2. Write a policy brief applying the basic concepts taught in this course to a current issue that you choose. Assume you are writing for a policy maker who is considering a decision on that issue, who needs advice from an economic perspective.

Examples of policy issues for the project include:

Health care policy (including the ACA and pharmaceutical pricing issues)

Public education

Public safety (including responses to terrorism)

Housing, urban planning, or urban transportation

Environmental protection, natural resources management, and/or agriculture

Regulation and/or public development of business activities

Regulation and/or public development of media and/or intellectual property

Reference no: EM13372385

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