1 prepare a program to read 3 numbers x y z use conditional

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13347653

1. Prepare a program to read 3 numbers x, y, z. Use conditional statement and evaluate values of variables a, b and c. Perform the sum with 2 set of variable. Check the sum for equality and print the sum.

2. Prepare a program to shift input data by 2 bits left and right.

3. Prepare a program to use bitwise "&" operator between 2 integer and display the result.

4. Prepare a program to input 6 numbers and find the biggest and smallest using nested if.

5. Prepare a program to enter a year and find the number of:

a. Minutes
b. Hours
c. Days
d. Months
e. Seconds

6. Prepare a program to find the sum of even and odd numbers using switch, if, if..else, nested if between 1 and 20.

7. Prepare a program to find the numbers between 1 and 100 that are not divisible by 2, 3 and 5.

8. Prepare a program to enter a character (alphabetical) and display its position and its corresponding ASCII value.

9. Prepare a program to simulate a digital clock.

10. Prepare a program to find the sum of its digits till the result is in single digit.

11. Prepare a program to print the series:

a. x - x3/3! + x5/5! - x7/7!...... xn/n!
b. 1 + x2/2! - x3/3! + x4/4!....... xn/n!

12. Prepare a program to generate the following figures: 13. Prepare a program to find the factorial of a given number.

751_Computer programming using c language lab.png

14. Prepare a program to obtain the sum of the diagonal elements of matrices.

15. Prepare function to add, subtract, multiply & divide two complex numbers (x+iy) & (a+ib).

16. Prepare a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation with each condition.

17. Prepare a program to find numbers between 7 and 100 which is exactly divisible by 4 and is divisible by either 5 or 6.

18. Prepare a program to convert:

a. Binary to Decimal
b. Decimal to Binary
c. Binary to Hexadecimal

19. Prepare a program to perform Arithmetic operation on an array i.e. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division and store the result in another array.

20. Prepare a program to perform following string operation: with string functions & without string functions

a. Reverse a string
b. Concatinate 2 string - strcat()
c. Compare 2 string - strcmp(), strcmpi()

21. Prepare a program to detect the occurrence of a number in a string.

22. Prepare a program to accept a string up to 15 character, and display the position of a character in a separate line.

23. Prepare a program to display and count the number of vowels in a string.

24. Prepare a program to generate a palindrome.

25. Prepare a program to add to pointer addresses of a pointer variable.

26. Prepare a program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.

27. Prepare a program to perform different arithmetic operations using pointers

28. Prepare a program to obtain prime factors of any integer number using functions i.e. 24 -> 2, 2, 2, & 3.

29. Prepare a program to find the sum of 5 digit number:

a. Without using recursion
b. With using recursion.

30. Prepare a program to obtain Fibonacci series by using recursion.

31. Prepare a program to create, display, modify and append a file (sequential file).

32. Prepare a program to copy the content of one file to another.

33. Prepare a program to calculate space in a file (number of blank spaces and not the file size).

34. Prepare a program to print out the lines from a file that have 50 or more characters in them.

35. Prepare a program to extract the content from a file and print them. The user should be able to specify the starting position from where the extraction should begin and the number of characters to be extracted.

36. Prepare a program to create a structure to accept Firstname, Middlename, Lastname of a person. Display the initials of first and the middle name separated by "." i.e.

Input - Krishna Kumar Singh
Output - K.K. Singh

Now create a main structure that will contain name, age, salary of an employee.

37. Prepare a program to call sum() function recursively and perform sum of 1 to 5 numbers. (instead of using the sum() function use the main() function itself to perform the above operation)

38. Prepare a program to find the larger of the two numbers using macro with arg.

39. Prepare a program to count the number of character, word and lines in a text file whose name is supplied in the command line.

40. Prepare a program to arrange a list by using any sorting method.

Reference no: EM13347653

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