1 give syntax example for each of the following group

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13380007

1. Give Syntax Example for each of the following Group Functions:









2. Provide 2 Syntax examples of using the GROUP BY Clause on Multiple Columns

3. Provide 2 Syntax examples of creating joins with the USING Clause

4. Provide 2 Syntax examples of the HAVING Clause with Subqueries

5. Using the Employees and Departments tables below, provide the answer for Select Command using these tables. The goal is you walk though the Select Command on these tables manually and determine the answer (expected result) based on your reading of from text book: -  Just show the expected output when you run the syntax. 


1960_EMPLOYEES  Table.png


What is the output when the following script is executed?

SELECT AVG(salary), MAX(salary),

       MIN(salary), SUM(salary)

FROM   employees

WHERE  job_id LIKE '%REP%';

What is the output when the following script is executed?

SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, salary

FROM   employees

WHERE  salary >=10000

AND    job_id LIKE '%MAN%' ;

What is the output when the following script is executed?

SELECT employees.employee_id, employees.last_name,

       departments.location_id, department_id

FROM   employees JOIN departments

USING (department_id) ;

What is the output when the following script is executed?

SELECT last_name, job_id

FROM   employees

WHERE  job_id

       NOT IN ('IT_PROG', 'ST_CLERK', 'SA_REP') ;

Reference no: EM13380007

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