1 critically evaluate the purpose of analysing the internal

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13382521

1. Critically evaluate the purpose of analysing the internal and external environment as part of the development of a strategy.

2. Using PESTEL tool(s), identify the main environmental forces currently affecting the global pharmaceutical industry.

3. Porter's 5 Forces

4. Core competencies and competitive advantage of pharmaceutical firms -traditionally: R&D, innovation, sales & marketing capabilities. What is right for the future?

What's wrong with the current situation. Recommend a strategy

5. (A)Implementation issues and problems with this strategy

(B) Role of stakeholders in defining strategy, why should these people be involved? E.g. payers, medical profession. Can they be involved?

What are the difficulties in involving them? and What actions should the pharmaceutical industry take to engage more effectively with its stakeholders?

Reference no: EM13382521

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