1 the study you will evaluate for your assignment isbinge

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13347129

1. The study you will evaluate for your assignment is:

Binge drinking and alcohol-related behaviours amongst Pacific youth: a national survey of secondary school students

o Its related newspaper article is: Sport blamed for Pacific teens' drinking

2. Evaluate the study.

- Use the eight-step guidelines for evaluating a study.

- List the eight steps and seven critical components as separate subheadings in your evaluation.

- For step 3, since you are evaluating a survey, comment ONLY on sampling "difficulties and disasters". Do NOT comment on experiment, observation, or communication of data.

3. In about one page give your judgement of the newspaper article based on your evaluation of the study.

In your judgement consider the following questions:

- In what ways, if any, does the newspaper article give potentially misleading information about the study?

- If you were writing the article what findings and worries about the study would you emphasise?

Reference no: EM13347129

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