Writing text output to a file Assignment Help

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Writing text output to a file:

In previous versions of Java writing text to a file was  a little complicated; the newest version  of Java makes the whole process easier. The PrintWriter class provides methods for writing text and  primitives  to a named file. The constructor:


creates a file into which data can  be  written. For example, the code:

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("Hello.txt");

will create a PrintWriter object that will write data to the text file Hello.txt. For example, the code:

pw.println("The first line");

pw.println("The second line");

will print two lines to the file. The only other  operation that is needed with such a PrintWriter object is to close the file down  by means of the close method so,  for example, the code:


will close the file Hello.txt down.

The following class demonstrates the use  of text output  to a disk file. It generates a multiplication  table  and  writes it to the file.

import java.io.*;

public class MultiplicationTable


PrintWriter out;

final static int MAX_LINES = 10;

public void openFile (String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException


out = new PrintWriter(fileName);


public void printMultiplicationTable ()


out.println("Multiplication Table");

for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_LINES; i++)


out.print("line" + i + ":             ");

for (int j = 1; j <= MAX_LINES; j++)



out.print(i * j); //overloaded print()






public void closeFile ()




} // end class MultiplicationTable


The MultiplicationTable class can  be  used as  follows:

import java.io.*;

public class TestMultiplicationTable


public static void main (String []args) throws FileNotFoundException


MultiplicationTable table = new MultiplicationTable(); table.openFile("table.txt"); table.printMultiplicationTable();


} // end main

} // end class TestMultiplicationTable


Note the use  of the closeFile method, which invokes  the close method of the PrintWriter class. This is known as  fiushing the buffer.  This is essential to ensure that all the data is written to the file and  does not remain  unprocessed in the buffer - without this the file may be  incomplete or even  empty.

It can  be  done explicitly by invoking the fiush method, for example, as  follows:

out.print("line" + i + ": ");  


It can  also  be  done by using  the println method.

The constructor for PrintWriter(String) within the method openFile will throw a FileNotFoundException if there  is a problem either creating or accessing the file that is represented by the string  argument. 

The class PrintWriter is unusual among the stream classes in that its methods do not throw exceptions of type  IOException when  an error occurs. Instead, PrintWriter has  a method called checkError, which returns a boolean value to indicate whether  a problem has  occurred when  executing one  of the methods of a given  PrintWriter object. For example, using  an extract from the previous example, we could  check for an error like this:

out.print("line" + i + ": ");  

if (out.checkError())


System.err.println("Faulty file output");




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