When to use applets Assignment Help

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When to use applets:

In the introduction to this section we explained that, for a period after the first introduction of Java, applets caused great excitement and they were used for many purposes. These included data validation, drawing graphics and animations on web pages as well as carrying out processing of data. As Java technology and other web technologies have developed, Java has become more important as a standard programming language for applications, and applets have become just one of a number of ways to implement more interactive web-based systems. There are now alternative technologies for many of the original uses of applets.

For example, data validation (such as checking the format of numbers entered into forms on the web) is now commonly done using the JavaScript scripting language. JavaScript is a relatively simple language that uses some syntax similar to Java, but is not fully object oriented. Animation often uses animated GIF files (a series of related picture files, which works like an animated cartoon or a simple fiip-book) or specialized graphics and animation software that does not require Java programming. Serious processing of data is normally delegated to code running on the server, as server code has none of the security limitations imposed on applets - running complex processing code on the client, possibly by means of an applet, may slow down the client unacceptably and make the user interface seem unresponsive.

However, applets still have many uses. We can identify some characteristics of applets, which help to determine the situations in which applets are appropriate, as follows.

  • Applets can potentially use the full Java language, which is much more versatile and fiexible than many of the alternatives, such as JavaScript.
  • Applet code can be easily and automatically downloaded along with a web page, even by non-expert users.
  • Applets run on the client, so they can load the client and relieve the server of work; they can respond quickly to user input at the client. 
  • Standard applets have security restrictions, as we have seen, which limit what they can do directly.
  • Applets run in a browser, an environment that is available on most computers. There are, however, differences between browsers and version of browsers in how they handle applets or even whether they handle them at all.

From this list, we can see that the key advantages of an applet are that it can be versatile and responsive and can be run easily by non-experts. For this reason, many simple games available on the web are implemented as applets. Typically, these games may need quite sophisticated graphics but are not much concerned with storing data, so the applet security restrictions are not much of a problem.

Another key advantage is the ability to easily download an applet from the web and run it. This means that it is easy to ensure that users access the latest version of software coded in an applet, since they must download the applet code each time they want to use it. Users need not even be aware that they are using an updated version, unless this affects the way they use the system. Compare this with software installed as an application on each client computer, where there will normally be a more complex installation or updating process for new versions.

Because of the diversity of browsers and their behaviour when presented with an applet, it may be that applets with a serious purpose are best limited to operating on intranets or among restricted groups of users, where the behaviour of the browsers can be predicted. If the distribution is to be more widespread, the programmer of the applet must provide for this diversity of browser behaviour, and must carry out testing to ensure that the applet works on a wide range of browsers. Signed applets can be used to relax some of the standard security restrictions, where appropriate.


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