Effects of defficiency
Water soluble vitamins
Vitamin B1
(Thiamine or Aneurin)
Rice polishings, wheat flour, oat meal, eggs, yeast, meat, liver, etc.
Major component of co-enzyme co-carboxylase required for carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.
Beri-beri, loss of appetite and vigour, weak heart beat, constipation, muscle atrophy, even paralysis.
Vitamin B2 or G
(Riboflavin or Lactoflavin)
Cheese, eggs, yeast, tomatoes, green vegetables, liver, meat, cereals, etc.
Combines with phosphoric acid to form coenzyme FAD essential for oxidative metabolism.
Cheilosis, digestive disorders, fiery sensations in skin and eyes, mental depession, scaly dermatitis at angles of nares, corneal opacity, headache etc.
Vitamin B3
(Pantothenic acid)
All food; more in yeast, kidneys, liver, eggs, sugarcane, meat, milk, groundnut, tomatoes.
Important component of Co-A required for oxidative metabolism.
Dermatitis, in cocks; greying of hairs, reproductive debility, retarded body and mental growth.
Vitamin B5 or P-P
(Nicotinic acid or Niacin)
Fresh meat, liver, fish, cereals, milk, pulses, yeast, etc.
Active group in coenzyme NAD required for oxidative metabolism.
Pellagra, dermatitis, demenia, muscle atrophy, inflammation of mucous membrane of gut, diarrhoea.
Vitamin B6
(Pyridoxine or Adermin)
Milk, cereals, fish, meat, liver, yeast synthesised by intestinal bacteria.
Important coenzyme required in protein and amino acid metabolism.
Dermatitis, anaemia, mental disorders, nausea, insomnia, vomiting, convulsions, depressed appetite.
Vitamin H (Biotin)
Yeast, vegetables, fruits, wheat, chocolate, eggs, groundnut synthesised by intestinal bacteria.
Essential for fat synthesis and energy production.
Skin lesions, weakness, hairfall, paralysis, loss of appetite.
Folic acid group
Green vegetables, soyabean, yeast, kidneys, liver, synthesised by intestinal bacteria.
Necessary for synthesis of DNA and maturation of blood corpuscles.
Retarded growth, anaemia.
Vitamin B12
(Cyanocobalamine) (C63H88O14N14PCo)
Meat, fish, liver, eggs, milk synthesised by intestinal bacteria.
Required for chromosome duplication and formation of blood corpuscles.
pernicious anaemia, Retarded growth
Vitamin C
(Ascorbic acid) (C6H8O6)
Lemon, citrus fruits, orange and other tomatoes, green vegetables, potatoes, carrots, pepper, etc.
Essential for creation of collagen, bone, cartilage, teeth, connective tissue and RBCs and for iron metabolism.
Wound-healing and scurvy, breakdown of immune defence system, spongy, growth retarded and bleeding gums, and bones, exhaustion, nervous breakdown, fragile blood vessels, high fever.
Fat soluble vitamins
Vitamin A
(Retinol or Axerophthol)
Synthesised in cells of liver and intestinal mucous membrane from carotenoid pigments found in butter, kidneys, egg yolk, milk, liver, fish oil, etc.
Essential for synthesis of visual pigments; growth and division of epithelial cells.
Xerophthalmia-keratini-zed conjunctive and opaque and soft cornea. Keratinization and Stratification in epithelia of skin, urinary bladder, ureters, respiratory passages and intestinal mucosa, glandular secretion, night-blindness, impaired growth, and reproduction.
Vitamin D
(Ergocalciferol), (Sun shine vitamin) C28H44O and cholecalciferol
Synthesised in skin cells in sunlight from 7-dehydro-cholesterol also found in butter, liver, kidneys, egg yolk, fish oil, etc.
Regulates absorption of calcium and phosphorus in intestine, mineral deposition in bones and teeth.
Rickets with osteomalacia; soft and fragile teeth.
Vitamin E group
Tocopherols (a, b, g) (C29G50O2)
Green vegetables, oil, egg yolk, wheat, animal tissues.
Necessary for proper spermatogenesis, lactation, pregnancy and muscular function.
Sterility (impotency) and muscular atrophy.
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) (C31H46O2)
Carrots, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, liver, egg yolk, cheese; synthesized by colon bacteria.
Essential for synthesis of prothrombin in liver, which is required for blood clotting.
Haemorrhages, excessive poor coagulation of blood, bleeding in injury.