Visual programming Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Creating user interfaces >> Visual programming

Visual programming:

Many IDEs provide the facilities to create user interfaces using a 'drag and drop' approach from a palette of components. This approach can be highly convenient for producing quick designs. While this course will not make use of them, we would draw your attention to these features in order that you can explore them independently outside of the course.

This approach is known as visual programming. The IDE automatically creates the code necessary to produce the interface that you have visually created. The IDE then allows you to adjust the parameters of the components and to add the code necessary to make them work.

However, creating layouts in this way can produce code that is unnecessarily complex and may make the application less portable. As we are concerned here with teaching you programming we will not pursue this topic any further but if you have the time available, you could browse through the tutorial files included in the IDE Help option.


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