Variable Initialization in C, C language Assignment Help

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Variable Initialization in C

 Variables can be declared or initialized using an assignment operator '='.

Syntax: variable name =constant


data_type variable_name = constant


1. int i;   i = 10;

2. int i = 10;

3. int a = 12;        int b = 30;

4. int a = 12, b = 30;

A programming situation may arise where several variable have to be initialized to the same value.


int a = 10, b = 10, c = 10, d = 10, x = 10, y = 10;

Instead of this we can use the following expressions:


                int a, b, c, d, x, y;

                a = b = c = d = x = y = 10;

                However the following statement is valid:


             int a = b = c = d = x = y = 10;

                This is because a variable cannot initialize another variable until it has been declared earlier.


                int a = 10;

                int b = a;

int c = b;

int d = c;

int x = d;

int y = x;

These statements are perfectly acceptable since when 'b' is initialized to value of 'a', variable 'a' had already been known to the compiler.

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