Advantages & Utility of LP approach Assignment Help

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Advantages and Utility of LP approach

            As an administrative tool linear programming has certain distinct advantages which are as follows:

1.      Insight and perspective into problem solutions. It helps in organization and study of the information in the same way that the scientific approach to the problem requires. This generally results in clear picture of the true problem which is as valuable and necessary as is the solution.

2.      Consideration of all possible solutions to the problem. Many management problems are so complex that the difficulty is encountered in planning and feasible solution. By using LP technique, the manager makes sure that he is considering the best (optimal) solutions (or solutions).

3.      Better and more successful decisions. With linear programming the executives builds into his planning a true reflection of the limitations and restrictions under which he must operate. When it becomes necessary to deviate from the best programmer he can evaluate the cost or penalty involved.

4.      Better tools for adjusting to meet changing conditions. Once a basic plan is arrived at through linear programming it can be re-evaluated for changing conditions. Plan can laid for several sets of conditions to find out how to best prepare for possible future changes. If conditions change when the plan is partly carried out they can be determined so as to adjust remainder of the plan for best results.

5.      Highlighting of bottlenecks in the production process is the most significant advantage of these techniques. For example when bottleneck occurs some machines cannot meet demand while others remain idle for some of the time.

6.      Other advantages of this approach optimal use of productive factors by indicating the best use of existing facilities.

7.      Flexibility of analyzing a variety of multi-dimensional problems.

8.      Provision of an information base from which the allocation of scarce resources can be made.

9.      Insight and perspective into problem situations.

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